2014年1月16日 星期四



Walter Mitty:  To see the world, things dangerous to come to, to see behind walls, draw closer, to find each other, and to feel. That is the purpose of life.

Cheryl: Life is about courage and going into the unknown.

Sean O'Connell: Beautiful things don't ask for attention.

Walter Mitty: When are you going to take it?
Sean O'Connell: Sometimes I don't. If I like a moment, for me, personally, I don't like to have the distraction of the camera. I just want to stay in it.
Walter Mitty: Stay in it?
Sean O'Connell: Yeah. Right there. Right here.

Walter Mitty: I was saying you know who looks good in a beard? Dumbledore. Not you.

Ted Hendricks: Oh, hey, welcome... wait, sorry, not welcome. Not an employee.
Walter Mitty: Sorry. This is the picture Sean wanted, 25. You have two days to print for cover. Here's your quintessence.

Walter Mitty: Hey, do you know our motto?
Ted Hendricks: Life, I'm loving it.
Walter Mitty: That's not it. That's McDonald's. This thing that you do, Ted, where you come into a place and push people out, you should know those people worked really hard to build this magazine. They believed in the motto. And I get it, you've got your marching orders and you have to do what you have to do, but you don't have to be such a d*ck. Put that on a plaque and hang it at your next job.

Cheryl: I wanted to tell you, that song "Major Tom" and that beard guy... he doesn't know what he's talking about. That song is about courage and going into the unknown. It's a cool song.



Ground control to Major Tom                                地面中心呼叫Major Tom

Ground control to Major Tom                                地面中心呼叫Major Tom

Take your protein pills and put your helmet on       吞下營養劑, 戴上頭盔

Ground control to Major Tom                               地面中心呼叫Major Tom

Commencing countdown, engines on                   倒數10秒,啟動引擎

Check ignition and may God's love be with you    檢查點火裝置...願神與你同在


Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one, liftoff


This is ground control to Major Tom                   地面控制中心呼叫Major Tom

You've really made the grade               升空任務成功 (不太確定能不能這麼翻)

And the papers want to know whose shirt you wear

                                                       大家開始好奇你是支持哪一隊的 (足球)

Now it's time to leave the capsule if you dare

                                                        想離開太空艙的話, 是時候了

This is Major Tom to ground control                 Major Tom呼叫地面控制中心

I'm stepping through the door                          我正步出這扇門

And I'm floating in a most peculiar way            感受著前所未有的漂浮

And the stars look very different today             看著與以往不大一樣的星星

For here

Am I sitting in a tin can

Far above the world


Planet Earth is blue

And there's nothing I can do


Though I'm past one hundred thousand miles

I'm feeling very still

                                                                十萬英里過去了, 異常地寂靜

And I think my spaceship knows which way to go

Tell my wife I love her very much she knows

                                     我想我可能不會回去了, 告訴我內人我有多愛她

Ground control to Major Tom                      地面控制中心呼叫Major Tom

Your circuit's dead, there's something wrong

                                                              大事不妙, 短路了

Can you hear me, Major Tom?

Can you hear me, Major Tom?

Can you hear me, Major Tom?

Can you...

                                                            聽得到嗎? 聽到請回答? 聽到...

Here am I floating round my tin can

Far above the Moon

                                      月亮在遙遠的那頭, 漂浮在太空船外圍的我

Planet Earth is blue

And there's nothing I can do



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